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The Lord of the Rings - Sword of a High Elven warrior replica 1/1

The Lord of the Rings - Sword of a High Elven warrior replica 1/1
The Lord of the Rings - Sword of a High Elven warrior replica 1/1 The Lord of the Rings - Sword of a High Elven warrior replica 1/1 The Lord of the Rings - Sword of a High Elven warrior replica 1/1

Sword of a highelvish warrior from the Lord of the Rings as detailed replica in original size.

No. 530936


We will only deliver this product to a legal adult.

  • Total length: 126 cm
  • blade length: 61 cm
  • Material: 420 stainless steel
  • unsharpened
  • With certificate of authenticity
  • with wooden display for presentation
  • This impressive elven Naginata is a feast for the eyes of every "Lord of the Rings" fan. It is reminiscent of the impressive sequence of battle of the Elves of Noldor led by Gil-Galad and Elrond in the film trilogy. The Elves are an almost immortal race from Middle-earth. They are very noble, possess strong magic and live in harmony with the forces of nature. The leaf ornamentation of the elven sword makes this very beautifully clear.

    The elven sword comes with a matching wall display for stylish presentation, as well as a certificate of authenticity.

    PLEASE NOTE: The sword is a pure decoration object and not sharpened!

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    The Lord of the Rings - Sword of a High Elven warrior replica 1/1
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    599,00 € 640,00 € (RRP)
    incl. VAT, excl. shipping
    No. 530936
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