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Sheffield Bowie Knife

Sheffield Bowie Knife

Historical replica of the Wild West legend

No. 121413
  • Total length: 46.7 cm
  • Blade length: 33.9 cm
  • Grip length: 12.5 cm
  • Weight: 0.59 kg
  • Blade thickness (base): 4.7 mm
  • Blade width (base): 4.5 cm
  • Point of Balance (PoB): 4.8 cm


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The Bowie knife has safe place in Wild West history. This legendary knife model embodies the adventurous spirit of the era in North American history. As a pragmatic combination of working, hunting and fighting knife, the Bowie Knife was perfect for the self-sufficient, perilous lifestyle of trappers, cowboys and buffalo hunters.

It got its name from a rather bloody event. As the story goes, in 1827 Colonel James "Jim" Bowie in the midst of gunfire, stabbing and a duel to boot and despite various wounds came out a winner thanks to such a knife. After the story got around, the Bowie knife's popularity grew so dramatically that several manufacturers in Sheffield, England began to mass-produce the sturdy knives for the American market.

Our Sheffield Bowie Knife is an exact replica of the original from this era down to the last detail. With a total length of 33.9 cm, it is among the largest of this model of knife, so large that it could be used in battle as a long knife. The curved clip point blade of carbon steel features a ricasso with a length of 2.4 cm and has four notches on the back for catching opponents' blades in battle. Rounded hardwood handle plates are riveted to the full tang. The nickel-plated cross guard is 8.8 cm long.

A robust, brown sheath of leather with a snap fastener grip safety mechanism is also included.

Included in delivery

  • Sheffield Bowie knife, 2-piece

  • With Bowie knife

  • With leather sheath

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Sheffield Bowie Knife
79,99 €
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No. 121413
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